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Less of a grand return, more a stumbling out of the woods after 6 months presumed dead

Welcome to the all new In due course, this website will be populated with all manner of new fun stuff.

At the moment, however, I still have a lot of work to do before i can nail down any dates or details, but be assured it won't be too much longer.

So, where have I been for the last year and half?

When I took a break from Durham On Air in January 2023, it was only supposed to be for a couple of months. Alongside the two shows I had to produce each week, I was DJing every Friday/Saturday night and spending the weekdays assisting my grandparents, who were dealing with Dementia (Nana) and Cancer (Grandad).

As time went on, my time in the week to produce any content reduced to a whopping fat nothing. Gut even if I had all the time in the world, I was in no fit state mentally to make myself dinner, never mind 4 hours of radio.

There's a whole lot of detail over that 18 months that'll have to be gone over some other time,

but right now all that needs to be said is I have recently come into a lot of free time during the week.

I had tried to write and film some sketches over the last few months, but I was still in a bad place and the footage came out dreadfully. So i've trashed the lot of it, and in order to find my feet again, I'm soon going to be starting some new content experiments, hopefully falling back in love with being silly and making stuff.

Until it's ready, i'll catch you later.

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